Monday Question: What Music Do You Associate with a Certain Time in Your Life?

I am going to talk a lot on this site, but I want to hear from those of you that are reading as well. So on Mondays, I want to open up the comments section for you to tell bits and pieces of your own story (obviously I'd love your feedback in the comments on any post). The way that I want to facilitate that is through something I am going to call Monday Questions.

For a lot of us, hearing a song or an album can take us back to a particular time in our lives. For example, whenever I hear anything off of Switchfoot's Learning to Breathe, I am taken back to driving my Camry around Spartanburg in the weeks before I went off to college for my freshman year. Who We Are Instead by Jars of Clay will always be associated with when I first began dating EA. Arcade Fire's The Suburbs always reminds me of those searching months after our first child was born.

So my question is this: What music--albums or songs--do you associate with specific times in your life? I look forward to hearing some of your stories.

Bird Speak

Colors, Fish, and Baby Jesus