Francis of Assisi in "The Canticle of the Sun!"

Written by W.C. COX
Art and Cover by CURT SWAN and AL PLASTINO
The Alien Firebirds from Eralc return! When the Planetary-Intergalactic Threat Assessment Squadron (P.I.T.A.S.) discovers the astronomical avians flying toward the sun, they aim their lasers to the sky to shoot the birds out of space! But the Legion of Super-Pets--Krypto the Super Dog! Beppo the Super Monkey! Streaky the Super Cat! Comet the Super Horse!--know that the Eralcians only want peace. To stop a galaxy-wide war, the Super-Pets call on the only man who can talk to the space birds. The Champion of Compassion! The Powerhouse of Peace! Francis of Assisi! Will the Firebirds survive their once a century migration to the sun? Can Francis convince the P.I.T.A.S. to not wage war? And what happens when a mysterious voice tells Francis to repair the C.H.U.R.C.H.? Find out in the incredible intergalactic adventure "The Canticle of the Sun!"

This is where my comic book nerd and church history nerd overlap. One day, I might actually sit down and right this ludicrous story. Happy Feast of St. Francis Day!

Monday Question: Time Travel

Pastoral Care and Parenting